There are several advantages of internet marketing. Firstly there are more enquiries in internet marketing; therefore it will lead to more sales. Secondly internet marketing can maximize the potential of company website, which will result in more flexible ability of company. Thirdly comparing to expensive publication and advertisement, internet marketing cuts operational and marketing cost in other areas such as phone call enquiries...etc. Lastly business can be expanded to the world and this means a larger market, and then it will have possibilities of other business opportunities such as Internet Business.

Despite of the importance of e-commerce in successful achievement, marketing research plays a significant role in internet marketing. Because marketing research must be the first step for any type of marketing, which provides theory basis for strategic planning and decision making for company. In many famous international companies, marketing research budget generally accounts for around 3% of enterprise sales, which indicates that marketing research is indispensable. What is more, in Amazon this percentage is up to 14%. This evidence shows that marketing research is a fundamental part in internet marketing. Nowadays internet market is considered as the largest market in the world, which is also the most complicated, changeable and competitive one. In terms of price, for instance, the average price of a Nike shoes is 20 pounds in internet market, shop A prices it 25 pounds without marketing research, shop B goes to compare website to do research and then prices it 19 pounds. In this case, it is obviously that shop A loses the competitiveness.
To sum up, internet marketing plays a significant role in today's digital world. And it is absolute necessary to consider internet marketing in my company if we want to survive and be sucessful in competitions. What is more, it is fundamental to consider the importance of marketing research in internet marketing.